Luminara is a premier health and wellness center located in Calabasas, CA, offering a range of cutting-edge services to enhance overall well-being.
Our sanctuary provides whole-body red light therapy beds, brain entrainment sessions, resonance sound bed sessions, and neuralchek scans, along with professional-only nutritional and herbal supplements to enhance your well-being.
With over 30 years of experience in the health and wellness industry, we are bringing expertise in personal training, nutrition, health coaching, brain health and functional medicine to Luminara, elevating our clients health through listening, hearing and making changes that work for you.
Health is and always will be a journey, every day is full of choices that we decide to take to make our body's healthier and stands out for its commitment to holistic health. Our partner brings 20 years of extensive experience in fitness and personal training. What sets Luminara apart is our unique combination of services and deep expertise, making us a leader in the health and wellness space.